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Иностранные студенты о нас

Sayl Teresa Mengana López, student University of Guatemala

I only can thank you for your attention. These months have been very useful, it has been a growing experience. Thanks for giving us the opportunity of learning a new language and knowing a new culture. At the end we will be able to share our experiences with our people so.... THANK YOU FOR THAT. We made new friends that helped us through this process and we will carry them in our hearts for ever.

Ty Park, student of Kangnam University

Living in Moscow as a exchange student of Russian State Social University was so nice. Even though my Russian skills are not good enough to communicate with others, personnel of International Affair helped me a lot in English. In addition, My professors who are Елена, Светлана и Андрей were really enthusiastic about teaching students. It apparently improved my Russian and made me know about Russian cultures. I lived in first dormitory with Russian roommate. Neighbors including him were kind. There were nothing to complain when it comes to living in dormitory. Thank all RSSU for being there.

Enrique Garduño Asgard, Mexico

The RSSU welcomed me with open arms and from the first day I have felt at home. Learning Russian is like opening new doors to new opportunities and visions of the world. The challenges have been many, overcoming the barriers of such a challenging language and facing the Russian culture has been exciting. And although it seems impossible, the Russian culture shares many problems and aspirations with the Mexican culture.

Mahamat Ali Mboulumi, Chad

I am a young student, I always wanted to make friends with people from foreign countries. RSSU offered me the chance to do even more than I thought. I end up with dozens of friends from different nationalities. Now I can understand, read, write and speak in Russian language, and I think I have learnt it quickly. If you have an opportunity to study in RSSU you should use this chance. I would like to thank RSSU university!

Amandine Bourse, exchange student, Université Blaise Pascal, France

I had the great opportunity to study in RSSU, and this is something I don't regret. Living in Moscow is a unique experience, that I recommend to students who want not only to improve their language skills, but also to discover and get closer to the Russian culture. In RSSU I had the chance to meet people from many countries, and also to have wonderful classmates who were always ready to help me. Moreover, I would like to thank especially Kate Sandler (head of the international department) for her constant support, her kindness and for being so professional

Cindy Chan, exchange student, Hangzhou Normal University, China

I was studying in RSSU as an exchange student for one academic year and I have to say it is a university that can really bring you many changes.professors here are knowledgable and patient,they helped my Russian language level from a total zero to A2 in a year,and made me interested in Russian culture behind it as well.Also,teachers in international office are adorably helpful and caring as well,which make my Russian life as a foreign student much easier!Here I would like to say thanks to RSSU a lot!Also,I recommend it to u and a great choice when u are thinking about in studying in Russia for your better education

Katerina Machkova, Erasmus exchange student program, University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

I arrived to Moscow in February, 2016. I attended all workshops and lessons in my field of study (social work) in RSSU. All teachers and classmates were very helpful to me. During my study visit I've improved my spoken and written Russian as well.

Vallone Intille Pablo Valentin, exchange student, Universidad Nacional De Cuyo, Argentina

My experience in Moscow was excellent! I've discovered a new world, lived a unique experience and I took home a real treasure of knowledge. 100% I recommend this opportunity, that can only be described if you live it. Best greetings!

Ndour Mouhameth Dit Naby, undergraduate student, RSSU

I have always been dreaming of continuing my education in Russia. Russian State Social University not just made my dream come true but also set for me directions towards great professional future!

Xia Chenye, exchange student, Hangzhou Normal University, China

Kazan, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Crimea, Sochi... I visited so many places, and I found Russian people are very kind. Russia is my second home, and I love it!

Xia Chenye, exchange student, Hangzhou Normal University, China

Kazan, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Crimea, Sochi... I visited so many places, and I found Russian people are very kind. Russia is my second home, and I love it!

Yao Zhangyue, exchange student, Hangzhou Normal University, China

As we all know, Russian is a difficult language, that is very hard to learn. But at RSSU we have very nice professors and lovely Russian friends, who gave us a lot of help. Also thanks so much to International Office for many useful advices!